Grab screenshots of your entire web app

Cliperado uses browser automation to grab screenshots of your entire web app. Browser automation is the practice of letting a computer browse the web, fully automated, no human required. Because it is automated, taking hundreds or thousands of screenshots is easy and fast.


In the example on the left, you see the sitemap of a web app. Paydro, an online ticketing service for live events. The sitemap is a thumbnail overview of all the screenshots. The top left thumbnail is the login screen, with below it the landing page. Followed by the sections as they are presented on screen. Add an event, Event Dashboard, Empty Event Dashboard, etc...

Page state and flow

Cliperado can open links, fill out forms, hover over menu's to browse the app. Just like a human would. Taking screenshots of multistep forms or wizards is easy. Or showing a modal to configure some feature is possible as well.